Junior Section

Junior Section

Our season commenced on Saturday 2nd September when the Junior section resumes training on Wandsworth Common from 10.30am to 12 noon. Boots and shin pads compulsory! With the exception of the girls section, all year groups will be playing in different places as they move to the space occupied by the year group above them last year – e.g. last seasons reception move to the year 1 pitch, last seasons year 1 move to year 2 pitch etc. Please arrive early so you can find your new place. With the exception of short breaks at Christmas and Easter we will be on the Common every Saturday unless the pitches are closed by the council.

Please remember that the Junior section is NOT a “drop off” session. Parents or another responsible adult must be with their child at all times and your child should know who is looking after them. Coaches will be checking, and in extremis players may be prevented from playing if there is no responsible adult looking after them. Thanks for your support on this.

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